ADU  Series - USB Data Acquisition Interface SDK 

ADUCount  ( requires DLL V2.1.0.0 or higher*)

This function counts the number of currently connected ADU devices.
The function accepts a timeout value (in milliseconds), and returns the number of currently  connected ADUs.
Note that the result does not update as devices are connected and disconnected.
It is advised that you make a call to ADUCount every time you need an updated count of connected ADUs.

C Declaration:

int __stdcall ADUCount(unsigned long iTimeoutMillisec);

Visual Basic Declaration:

Declare Function ADUCount Lib "AduHid64.DLL" (ByVal iTimeout As Integer) As Integer

Argument Type Value Description
iTimeoutMillisec unsigned long 0 Timeouts Disabled
    other Timeouts Processing Enabled
( milliseconds )


Return Codes:

Value Description
integer Number of ADU devices connected to the system.
This is not a 0-based count: for example, a return
value of 5 means there are 5 ADU devices

Visual Basic Example:

Count the connected ADU devices with a 100ms timeout

iAduCount = ADUCount(100)

*  Download both 32 and 64 bit DLL's and AduHidTest software HERE ( 700K )