ADU  Series - USB Data Acquisition Interface SDK 

AduHid - Borland C Example

This example uses the Borland C++ 5.5.1 compiler. Download a free trial of Borland C++ Builder from the web-site (unless Borland has recently changed their policies).

Granted it is a command-line compiler but the price is right.

This example shows the steps to compile a simple application to communicate with an ADU USB device.

Install the Borland Compiler

Download and install the Borland compiler onto the computer.

Create A Project Directory

Create a directory to hold the project. Here it is called "g:\Borland".
Copy the following files into the project directory.

  • AduHid.h
  • AduHid.lib
  • AduHid.dll

Convert AduHid.lib To OMF

The AduHid.lib is distributed in COFF format. The Borland C++ compiler chokes on COFF files. Fortunately Borland supplies a program that converts COFF files to OMF format.

In a DOS Command Window run:

Coff2Omf AduHid.lib AduHidOMF.lib

Note: to avoid contravening the Borland copyright we do not distribute the OMF file created by this step.

Create The Source Code

Use a favorite editor to create the source code file.

Compile and Run The Source Code

In a DOS Command Window:
navigate to the directory containing the source code
run the following compile command.

BCC32 -Ij:\Borland\BCC55\Include -Lj:\Borland\BCC55\Lib AduHidOMF.lib aduusb.c

(In case the above line is too long for the browser here it is in pieces)

BCC32 -Ij:\Borland\BCC55\Include
    AduHidOMF.lib aduusb.c

Note: The Borland compiler demo on this computer is installed in j:\Borland\BCC55. The -I parameter points at the Include sub-directory. The -L parameter points at the Lib sub-directory. Adjust the command to match the compiler directory on the computer being used.
Note: the command must be entered as a single line on the DOS Command window.

Run the program from the DOS Command window.


Thanks to Mr. Borland for developing the compiler used in this tutorial.