ADU  Series - USB Data Acquisition Interface SDK 


This function reads data from the ADU stream pipe. The number of bytes read is returned in lpNumberOfBytesRead.

The handle value must be the value returned by the open call.

ADU stream data blocks are limited to 7 characters in length.

C Declaration:

int __stdcall ReadAduStream(void * hDevice,
void * lpBuffer,
unsigned long nNumberOfBytesToRead,
unsigned long * lpNumberOfBytesRead,
unsigned long iTimeout);

Visual Basic Declaration:

Declare Function ReadAduStream Lib "AduHid.DLL" _
(ByVal aduHandle As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, _
ByVal lNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, _
ByRef lBytesRead As Long, ByVal iTimeout As Long) As Long


Argument Type Value Description
hDevice void * value from open call handle to the device
lpBuffer const char * address of buffer buffer to receive data
nNumberOfBytesToRead unsigned long &GT 0 number of bytes to read
lpNumberOfBytesRead unsigned long *   number of bytes read
iTimeout unsigned long   milli-seconds to wait

A non-zero iTimeout value can only be supplied if timeout processing was activated during the open call. (ie. a non-zero iTimeout value was passed into the open function)

Return Codes:

Value Description
0 call failed
other call succeeded

Note: call GetLastError to get more information about a failed read operation.