adulogo.jpg (1752 bytes) LINUX SDK  

Easy ADU Usage in Linux 2.6 


Many Linux distributions now include the adutux driver in their binary image.
This web page focuses on using an ADU device in such a system.

These instructions were tested using the following Linux distributions: Fedora 8 Live CD (i686) OpenSUSE 10.3 Live CD (i686) Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD (i686)

Quick Start

Click the plus12x12.png (239 bytes) plus signs for more details.

  1. Plug in your ADU device.
  2. check the dmesg output for your ADU serial number plus12x12.png (239 bytes)
  3. Copy 10-adu.rules into /etc/udev/rules.d/
  4. edit /etc/udev/rules.d/10-adu.rules to include your serial number plus12x12.png (239 bytes)
  5. reload the udev rules with the command:
        /sbin/udevcontrol reload_rules
  6. unplug your ADU device and plug it in again
  7. check that your device was properly recognized with the command
         ls -l /dev/adu*

    You should see entries for /dev/adutux0 and /dev/adutux4 plus12x12.png (239 bytes)

  8. copy the adu binary executable onto your computer plus12x12.png (239 bytes)
  9. grant execute permission to the adu command (see man pages for chmod)
  10. try out the adu command
        ./adu -i 4 mk2
        ./adu -r -i rpk

    Note: these examples show an ADU200;
    use commands appropriate for your ADU model

Multiple Device Example

The Multiple Device Example page shows 3 ADU devices attached to a Fedora 8 Live CD system.

Sample Scripts


A crude network connection monitor that resets my modem if pings to my DNS server fail.